Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Home to SD Again!

I am home from Texas!!  I had a great 9 days hanging out in Houston with all my wonderful coworkers this last week!  Lots of work, but definitely fun times.

On another note, I have now been a vegetarian for ONE MONTH! Woo!  Technically, I am supposed to now be a vegan for a week... but that was REALLY difficult to figure out what with shopping for food and stuff, so for now I am still vegetarian, vegan when possible, and with hopes to be more vegan in another week or so, or whenever I can figure out the best/safest/healthiest way to do so.

Although it was 85++ degrees in Texas all week, I get back to SD and it was kind of a cold, rainy day!! :(

Here are some outfit pics for your enjoyment.  Sorry that I'm not wearing any makeup or making any attractive faces, it was early, and I don't do morning. Deal.

Do you like all my dead plants? Xmas break'll do that to them..

Best spinning dress ever!

Outfit details:
Sweater: American Eagle
Dress: Hand-me-down from the BFF
Tights: CVS (don't judge, they were $3 black opaque tights...)
Shoes: thrifted

Happy Wednesday!


  1. You are super cute. I love these pictures!

  2. So proud of you, you little vegetarian/sometimes vegan :) Let me know if you need any vegan tips...I have plenty! <3

  3. Gaaah, yes I need tips! I will let you know.. I am such a baby vegan, I have no clue how to even buy enough stuff to make an entire meal! :P


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